Monday, December 14, 2009


Hey Lo Ladies,

I know I have been away from posting for as long as I can remember.. Apologies for my in activeness..

In one of the post that I have written earlier on this Blog were about The Secret.. click below

I had mentioned all things that I wanted to happen to me through the power of The Secret!

I remember clearly writing about going for a trip to Thailand this year.

And yes, I am just back from Thailand!

I had never travelled abroad. for that matter I didn't even have a passport when I wrote the above mentioned post. But all I did is visualise myself sitting in that International Flight and going far away!

Thailand happened to me just at the right time. Barely a week after my passport arrived. I got a call from my boss asking me about this Story that I had to cover for my channel in Thailand.

Though it was just a 3 days trip. It still made feel so overwhelmed that I cant describe.. There are so many other things that I mentioned in my post ..But I am glad as of now at least one thing came true..

So I going to work harder on the law of attraction.. and will live my dream

So girls.. get your list ready and tell me what you wanna do in your future.. Start nOW!



Anonymous said...

I think being positive is definitely a good thing. However, you still need to physically work towrds getting what you want.

If you sit on your arse and do nothing but think positvely, then it ain't gonna happen.

Ana Laura E said...

It's true... the same happened to me with my job. Visualization is very powerful.

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